He left me 😣


So I currently live with my boyfriend and his parents (until next month, we’ll finally be getting our own place🥳🤩) Anyways, his parents really wanted to go visit their family who live 4 hours away from us..However they didn’t really invite me to come along🙄. my boyfriend insisted that he stay home with me as they went to visit, but his mother threw a tantrum hissy fit and said there was NO way he was staying home with me. Eventually he ended up going.. LEAVING ME behind. I was so shocked and upset😕 They were gone for 2 days. I figured since he left me behind, he would at least text/call me and make sure that I’m alright. But nope. Each call was ignored, as were my texts. This happened a few weeks back and it still gets to me. For some reason I can’t brush it back. I cry over it all the time, and think “wow he really left me”..Although he doesn’t think it was a big deal really. What do I do?? I’ve already talked to him about it but he just pushes the conversation away and tells me I can’t think about the past..😔 how do I forget about it?