Boyfriend issues 😒

So recently I noticed that my bf has been getting FaceTime calls and messages from this girl that goes to my school, let’s call her haley( my bf graduated last year) anyways haley hits him up with “ what’s the move” and always wants to talk to him which I find really annoying because if the roles were switched around and I was the one doing that to her bf I promise you guys she wouldn’t like that, I can just tell . Haley FaceTimed him today but whenever I’m around he never picks up and calls her “annoying” which Ik that if it were true he’d block her or just stop talking to her, I don’t want to be a jealous gf but I hate it and I find it so aggravating, also the girl who FaceTimes my bf has this cousin (let’s call her Macy) who’s really close to my bf bc of her brother and they know eachother from their moms and stuff but I saw that he messaged her at 2 in the morning asking if she’s awake last Saturday and mind you whenever I say “goodnight “ or something he’s so quick to say gn or okay bye but with Macy I feel like he’d rather talk to her than me . It makes me kinda sad but I don’t really know what to do, Macy is pretty and Idk I wouldn’t say im jealous of HER I’m just jealous at the way she bonds with him which is why he never wants to spend time with me or FaceTime like he does with her .. anyways what do y’all think ?? I definitely don’t want to overthink but I can’t help it :( one day I confronted him about not wanting to spend time with me and he said “ you always start an argument “ and things like that .