My boyfriend obsessed with sex but I’m soo insecure about myself sexually


I’m scared that no matter what I do I’m not going to be good enough for him sexually :( I’m so scared to have sex or send nudes or anything because I’m embarrassed of my body- the way I slouch and how chubby my thighs are and how hairy I am and just everything about my body combined with how awkward I am, I don’t know how to be sexy 🥺 I’m just worried that the more I have sex with him and show my body the more he’s gonna get used to it and bored of it and more and more just loose sexual attraction to me. But at the same time I’m scared that if I don’t do enough sexual things with him he’ll be bored of me because he wants more sex. It just seems like either way I’m not going to sexually please him and sex is really important to him. And to clarify he’s not a fuck boy he genuinely loves me and we’re best friends but no matter how much he does love me, sex life will always be important to some degree in a relationship. It’s hard to commit the rest of your life to someone if you’re not sexually attracted to them and that’s why I’m so worried, he tells me he loves my body and stuff but I’m so insecure my head keeps telling me he’s just saying that, he doesn’t seem to be nearly as interested in me sexually as I am to him, and definitely not as much as he used to be 😔 He used to talk dirty to me a lot and ask me for nudes and tell me his sexual fantasies about me, and at first I was scared to reciprocate, but it made me feel so good when he said those things and made me feel like he wanted me, which gave me the confidence to finally be comfortable enough to openly talk about sexual things to him and send nudes etc. But he stopped talking to me like that. And now that I had finally gotten comfortable enough to talk dirty to him and such, I feel like when I do that now I’m just embarrassing myself. Sometimes I think about surprising him and randomly sending him nudes, or making the first moves towards sex, and he’s even said he would like it if I did that. But I’m so worried that if I did, he wouldn’t actually enjoy it and I’d end up just making a fool of myself :( What should I do? Any advice is greatly appreciated, even tips on how to talk dirty or take good nudes, sex tips etc so at least when I do any of that I can feel a little more confident... thank you so much to whoever read all that, sorry for the long rant 😓