
Sarah • Ryder David 03/17/2019 🍀

I’m due March 31st and would like to breastfeed for as long as I can. I’m just wondering what are some of the necessities? Obviously a breast pump but anything else? I’m so lost since no one in my family has ever attempted to

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Posted at
I breastfed for almost 21 months. You honestly don’t need anything. Nipple cream was helpful the first week. I preferred boobease brand. You don’t really even need a pump unless you are planning on having someone else feed the baby.


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I've only been breastfeeding 3 days so I'm no expert but lanolin nipple cream and breast pads have been great for me


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Milk storage bags, nursing pads, extra parts for your pump, water bottle, and nipple cream.I personally didn’t end up needing the nursing pads because I never produce enough milk where I could leak in between pumping times


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You don’t need anything - I don’t use nipple cream and you only need to pump if you will be away from baby


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I highly recommend nursing bras and nursing tanks to make feeding easier then the two shirt method. Also i live in nursing shirts for easier access. I love latched mama but they can be a bit pricey but destination maternity old navy etc also sell them. Latched mama is well made and am still using the same clothes on my second child. Also a nursing sleeping bra to offer support and hold breast pads at night is a game changer. I did not use one with my first but am so much more comfortable using with my second.


Lindsay • Feb 20, 2019
Sorry one more thing as I am currently feeding my daughter. I really recommend the haaka pump it suctions onto the other breast when you are not feeding to collect the let down. I get anywhere from .5 ounces to three ounces during a feed and can be stored rather then that milk getting wasted into a breast pad


Lindsay • Feb 20, 2019
Oh and I forgot to mention the other thing is a hand pump which fits in the purse if you need to let off a little milk when out or in the beginning of your breast feeding journey to assist with engorgement. Another thing very helpful is the breast therapy gel pads they can go in freezer or microwave for cold or heat and really helps with engorgement and clogged milk ducts


Posted at
Boobie pillow is a need i swore by jt as long as i could breastfeed


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Maybe some breast pads, pump&safe bags and I bought a nipple shield with my first but that's because he had trouble getting a latch and it helped so much! You'll do great and remember that you both are learning


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Lanolin and that’s it. You don’t NEED anything else.


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Aww that was my due date with my first! Now he’ll be one on March 9th 😪I recommend a pump, boob pads cause you’ll leak from one side when babe is nursing from the other, nursing shirts/bras, a nursing cover if you want to cover up in public, and lots of water!!! Don’t forget to drink water and eat plenty meals during the day. I remember when I first had my son all I cared about was him and if he was eating and I forgot to feed myself!


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My brest friend is the nursing pillow i used for the first 6 weeks. It was a lifesaver in the beginning!