Trigger warning 😭

NotAverage • You can do all things through Christ... except try me 💁

Waiting for surgery to remove a ruptured ectopic pregnancy 😭 this will be my 4th loss. I’m torn apart emotionally. Why does this keep happening to me 😭😭 why do bad people spit out kids so easy but the rest of us can’t! It’s bullshit. I’m hurt and scared😩 I’ve had a DNC and it sucked and this is a completely different surgery going through my belly button and stomach. Pray for me or whatever you do. I need it.

Update: they just gave me morphine. My husband is on his way but it’s over an hour drive from his work. Nurse read the updated info to me and said the sonogram showed a huge cyst also aiding in the terrible pain I’m in, then the pregnancy stuff inside my tube/ovary area. Why can’t I just bake babies y’all 😭 my body is so stupid