The waiting continues

Sooooo happy!!!

This weekend got my BFP, started testing Friday, 11DPO. And went on testing until yesterday when I got my clearblue digital “pregnant”. I Was so happy, until latter at night had this horrible headache, heavy cramping and got some pink discharge, which was strange to me because I thought implantation had already occurred for me to get my BFP.

We were so worried that this morning me and my bf went to have a checkup with my OB, she couldn’t see anything in my uterus, so she asked me to do blood test to check my HCG levels. They came out 152????

I do not know what this means!?

She also explained to us that until next week she can’t say if everything is ok, and that we have to wait 1/2 weeks to know! Grrrrrr

Can’t believe I’m back to waiting again ☹️

Has anyone gone through this, or something similar?

Do you know what HCG level 152 means?

Thank you in advance ♥️