

I wanted to exclusively breast feed for a while, but we are five days old and I have apparently short nipples. So little willow struggles to latch and gets so frustrated that she can’t eat. So I’ve begun pumping and bottle feeding. It’s sad because at only five days old it feels like i didn’t give it much of a chance but hearing her hungry little pterodactyl scream hurts my heart. She doesn’t have to wait for the bottle I produce sooo much I’ve already got some set aside for her next two feedings.

We’ve seen three lactation specialist already from the hospital and they all had great advice and such but they also recommended different types of pumps and such.

We were using the nipple shields but when she gets frustrated she just shakes her head over the nipple shield and screams.

At this point I’m just trying to come to terms with this decision because I know it will be better for her as far as getting enough food and better for my sore ass nipples.