The “what is this” game today😅🤷🏼‍♀️

So I’m a FTM so I’m trying not to jump the gun lol

Well yesterday night and today I’ve been having these intense cramp like pains but they are too irregular to be full convinced I’m in labor.

ANYWAYYYYS today when I woke up my underwear were wet. Pants are still dry though! So I thought “hmmm is this pee? Nah maybe watery discharge🤷🏼‍♀️ OH WAIT I’m 37+3 MAYBE this is my water slowly leaking!!” Well the cramps started again so I started timing them.....still irregular so funny not funny but a little funny I probably peed myself at some point in the night and do not at all recall when this happened😅🤷🏼‍♀️