Amazing fling on vacation turned bad. Is there something wrong with me?!! 😞

I went on vacay recently and had a fling with a Latino guy. Hands down best sex I’ve ever had. Like porn movie good. 😝 Damn he was fiiine. 😍🥰 He did EVERYTHING right. 🤤 I remember telling my friend on the phone that I can’t go back to white guys anymore. (Not that race has anything to do with it heh heh 😅) He said I was his first “chocolate girl” and that he tried his best so I would come back to him. And I did. Guuurl!! I SPRINTED!!


the second time it BADLY. He kind of just...drooled on my mouth when he kissed me with no build up....yuck. 🤢 Half assed ate me out when the first time he was extremely passionate. Then when he (quickly) gave up on that he just shoved it in without even making me wet. No lube!! even though it was sitting on his night stand.

The first time he had me orgasming ALLT through the whole night. The second time it was very painful. It doesn’t help that I’m really sensitive down there. He just pleased himself and then went to sleep. At least he let me spend the night and snuggled me. 😒 but it was kind of awkward.

The experience kind of left me feeling insecure. Was I just not as attractive to him the second time around? Did I stink down there? I don’t think I do. 🤔 Still feeling like there is something wrong with me. It several weeks in the past now but I still feel really bad about it. Kind of sad like maybe I’m only good for one night stands or something. 😞 Maybe I’m just over reacting.

He was both the best sex and worst sex experience for me.

What went wrong??

Ladies, any ideas?