Starting to lose hope this month

So I am 11 dpo.

My breasts have been feeling very sore and firm for the past 3 days.

I tested this morning with fmu using a first response early response....bfn.

I keep seeing all these women on here showing off their positive test as early as 7 or 8 dpo bc these tests are so sensitive, or at least 10 or 11 dpo.....and it's making me lose hope and feel like the physical symptoms I'm experiencing are all in my head and I feel like every morning I use a first response and STILL get a bfn there is less and less of a chance of this being my month. It's really starting to make me depressed. I know realistically I'm not out, but I'm feeling like my chances are slimmer now.....

I'm sorry, I know I'm being ridiculous, but I had to get out where I am emotionally today.