Implantation TMI 🤦🏼‍♀️

The picture below is not mine it just looks like what spotting I had early this morning.

I have a irregular cycle so a late period is normal for me. However what is not normal is such a high temperature. It has been in the upper 98s and 99s except for 2/1 it was 98.3 and 2/2 it was 98.1. Today 2/3 it shot back up to 99.1. Yesterday 2/2 I had very little light brown spotting and this morning I had a red smear so I thought AF had finally came after being 8 days late. I put in a tampon and about 8 hours later there was only very little light brown no pink or red. Could this have been implantation? If AF doesn’t officially come I will take a pregnancy test in a few days but I just figured I would ask.