Labor time finally?!


41+5 here! Suppose to get induced on Wednesday but I’m 90% sure my water broke this morning. I sat down on the toilet and as soon as I sat down, fluid gushed out of me and now I’ve been leaking all morning (the last 3 hours) I’ve had contractions on and off. Some super severe, they were about 6-7 minutes apart but the contractions have since slowed down. I’m told they can give me something to start them again if it my water did break. I called L&D and they are having me come in. If it was my water, they don’t want to risk an infection with baby. Waiting for my boyfriend to get home and off we go to the hospital. It’s about an hour away. Hoping that it’s labor and I’ll get admitted 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉