Can you just tell me why

Why is it every night I hear the same gun in my head cock like I'm ready to pull the trigger. My husband doesn't care to notice my depression my daughter would live a better life not having a mother so down I have no one to talk to because the instant I do I'm turned into a hospital or physch ward and being away from my baby would just hurt me more but no one cares to notice the depression even with how obvious I've been and the signs I throw out in the open bluntly saying I need help before it gets to hard to hold on this is the only place I can post my emotions without being sent anywhere and as I text all this my baby is breast feeding without a care in the word holding on to me As my tears hit her tiny hands she's the only reason I haven't done it yet try to follow that gun cocking to shoot me put me out of my misery sometimes I wish I never hade her so that I could of just killed myself without someone really caring... I've even almost stopped eating and drinking and my husband just ignores it I even told him yesterday I'm depressed and want to die it was ignored I just can't hold on much longer