It’s IUI Month!

CJ • ❤️ Aug2020 ❤️

We’re doing our 1st

<a href="">IUI</a>

this month!

My DH and I have been together for 5 yrs and we’ve been trying for a baby for 4-5 yrs. We learned 2yrs ago that DH has low-to-no viable sperm (but we’re hopeful!). We saw a RE last Nov. who confirmed what we knew, and who has put my DH on a vitamin regimen that seems to be working! I’ve done ALL THE THINGS - lost 80lbs, reduces drinking wine, currently taking prenatal, Vitamin D, Estrogen, Progesterone - I’m expecting my cycle next week and then things will get REAL! (Clomid + Progesterone + Ovidrel Trigger Shot)

RE says we have a really good chance since DH test have dramatically improved! I wish I could talk to family/friends about what’s happening but it would add so much more stress to the process...and what if it doesn’t work.

Anyone on

<a href="">IUI</a>

#2...#3? How’d you decide to try again? I’m concerned that it would be too emotional to go through this process again.

UPDATE: I just came from my DH Urology appt, and he hinted that our <a href="">IUI</a> will likely be unsuccessful, given his current numbers....😞