Toddler Sleep Regression?

My LO has been crib trained and sleeping through the night since 14mo.

Just recently at 21mo he has started waking up several times a night crying. He is sobbing and crying so hard that it takes several minutes of soothing and turning a light on to calm him. And he points to his door like he doesn't want to be in his room.

His eating habits haven't changed, I do offer water at night and I give him Tylenol for the canines he has been working on for several weeks now.

He has a nightlight and a sound machine.

Even though I'm not a fan, I have tried letting him CIO and it doesn't end even after 5-10 minutes, he just keeps crying and ends up choking and sometimes throwing up because he is screaming and sobbing so hard.

Has anyone gone through anything like this? I'm pregnant with our second child and am honestly so tired, but worried about my firstborn.