
It is posible to fake a virginity? Can they notice you’ve had previous relations?

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If you're going to have sex with someone you need to be honest about your sexual history so that they can take necessary precaution to keep themselves safe so they could make sure that you provide them with a clear STD test as well as you making sure they have a clear STD test as well.If you practice some kind of religion where you are going to have an arranged marriage or something and have to be a virgin know that there is honestly no way to tell if a female has had sex before. Though you should still get an STD test first if you've had sex before.You may want to visit a gynecologist to discuss this matter with them and get the best educated information. You will see a lot of people tell you the hymen "breaks" and is "gone" if you aren't a virgin and that you have to bleed the first time you have sex which is absolutely 100% not true. The hymen is made to stretch and it is always present. Tearing and bleeding only happen sometime and not to every woman. The vagina does not change once you've had sex.


EH • Mar 8, 2019
Thank you so much!❤️


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If you have to fake your virginity, 1. You’re obviously not ready for sex and 2. You shouldn’t be with that person. Wait until you’re mature enough to realize that your virginal stays does not define you. The decisions you make and how you treat yourself do.


cami • Mar 7, 2019


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Queen • Mar 8, 2019


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Seriously what are you planning? Lol🤔


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My ex lied to me. Told me I “took his virginity” and later found out he had previously not fully had sex but “got the tip in” which to me made him no longer a virgin and let me tell you I was extremely pissed and hurt when I found out he blatantly lied to my face about something so serious. (He legitimately took mine, I DIDN’T lie).


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No you can not fake virginity. Like seriously just be honest and own that you've had sex. Why lie?


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Umm. Well you lose your virginity you bleed you got fake blood or something ?


Medusa • Mar 9, 2019
This comment tho! 😂😂😂😂


Laura • Mar 9, 2019
I didnt bleed when I lost mine


Starr • Mar 8, 2019
Not everyone bleeds. Blood is from the hymen being broke but that can break from stuff like riding a bike or gymnastics. Not criticizing just sharing knowledge 🤗