Had a miscarriage


I finally got pregnant after being 10 days late I took a test and it was positive so I took 2 more and they was positive I told my husband he was so happy he had tears in his eyes then Sunday night my worst fear happen I started bleeding at first I thought ok this is normal then it started pouring I went to the er and they said my cervix was really thinned out and sent me to another dr and they did the ultrasound and blood work and said they couldn't see the baby and my hgc level was low then had me come back in 2 days to check my hgc level again I already knew I lost my baby because the bleeding got heavier and wouldn't stop I was having pain that was as bad as labor pain I couldn't bring myself to call to get my blood test results because I didn't want to hear those words that my baby was gone I was so depressed I slept all day and all night and it don't help that things I ordered for the baby keeps coming in i thought I was doing the right thing buying stuff and getting a head start on everything and all that stuff is just making it harder on me