I scared my 3 year old on accident 😂

Brooke • 11 and 3 yr old boys💙 ectopic 11-24-17 and miscarriage 3-26-18 of my twin angels ❤️ my 🌈 girl finally came 4/29/19! My heart is complete

My son is gonna be 4 in July and we have a baby girl due in May. Needless to say she has been getting more and more active and my son has felt her move and loves it. So last night I was explaining to my fiancé that I was jolted awake by the baby practically “jumping out of my body” it was crazy and by far the strongest she’s moved/kicked so far. Anyways my son started getting really upset saying he wanted to sleep on the couch and I was still talking to my fiancé so I kind of ignored him. Come to find out he was so scared the baby was gonna jump out of my belly when he was sleeping next to me he wanted to sleep on the couch instead 🤣🤣 I had to explain for a good half an hour that she won’t just jump out, it’s not that easy, and he will have fair warning before she comes out/home. 😆I just a laugh I wanted to share, anyone have anything similar happen with their toddlers? Haha