Go peacefully my friend

Katy • 27, Married, Boy Mom to Thomas John Herron 💕4💕12💕23💕

Today at 9am our family lost heart, soul and backbone I've decided to write this poem for her my best friend, my mother-in-law, my love

Go peacefully my friend on the wings of the doves

In God's loving arms you'll be resting above

Forever loved and ever dear to me you'll be

I cry for you not because I'm sad, but because I'm lost without your love

Go peacefully my friend, my love to the heavens above

Happy memories we'll forever have of the smiles you gave

We cry because we know you've now gained your own wings

Where you can soar on the wind

Go peacefully my friend into the Golden Gates of your new forever home

Forever dear you'll be to me the favorite love of the entire family

Go peacefully my friend

I ask that each and everyone of you keep our family in all of you're prayer and Ms. Camilla Irene Lang and her peaceful journey home