
Ladies... I am struggling. I didn’t know where else to post thins, but hoped you ladies might have something better to say about it. I lost my husband 3 months ago. It was sudden, unexpected, and devastating. A few times since, I have had a dream in which he is either openly cheating or I have somehow found out he is cheating on me. I never had any indication or reason to suspect this from him, neither in life nor going through his things since he passed. I’ve had to go through his phone to find information for financial matters, went through his photos in his phone to save some before wiping it to return it to the company. Not once did I see anything that would make me suspect he was unfaithful to me. I guess I just don’t understand where these dreams are coming from. I don’t even know what I am looking for here. I guess I just needed to tell someone, and I don’t want to say any of this to our friends or family to protect his name.