Names! Help haha

Jessie • Mom of 👧🏻 05/28/14, 👼🏻 03/27/16 👧🏻 09/16/19 Happily Engaged 💍 10/31/19

So we’re expecting our 3rd/rainbow baby in late September we’re not sure as to what we’re having but I am at a complete loss for a name and it’s driving me insane! Our 4 yo daughters name is Kymber Rayne yes after the gun just spelled with a y instead of an i so with that being said we’d like to stick to a gun related name that’s different something more uncommon or that we can tweak the spelling.

I’d like to stay away from hunter, gauge, gunner, Remington, Smith, Wesson or colt because those are all very common here.

Spam me with names! first and middle of possible!

Here’s a pic of my beautiful Kymber

Thank you in advance!