Ftm and im afraid of doing things “wrong”


My baby is 14 weeks and he doesn’t cry much but he wants to be held most of the time, we wont drink out of a bottle anymore and i feed him more a lot. My sister in law has a 1 year old and he naps in his after his bottle but my baby wont fall asleep unless he’s feeding or i rock him today he wouldn’t fall asleep and my sister in laws baby fell asleep by himself. she told me that i was doing things wrong for both my baby and i bc he wont let me put him down sometimes and bc i wasn’t giving him his bottle anymore and thats why he wont take it. Most of the time my baby wont cry if he’s hungry bc i just put him on my boob and he will pull away if he doesn’t want it but most of the time he dose and she said that was wrong and he should let me know if he’s hungry. I personally dont like the way she takes care of her kids (she has two) one is 7 years old and the 1 year old. The big one is special kid he’s so picky on what to eat he only eats like 4 different things and he wont try new things but I guess thats fine but he goes to school and when he comes home he’s on his table, moms phone, tv or all 3 at the same time. When the baby is put on his swing in order for him to fall asleep he pushes him so hard and I know its not that bad but for me i feel like she pushes him supper hard. She even tried doing that to my baby and hell no i got up and got my baby bc he’s not used to that. But not bc of that i tell her she’s doing it wrong. Im afraid im not being a good mom or that I spoil my baby too much but i hate when he cries it breaks my heart seeing him uncomfortable. I want to make life easier for him bc sometimes i feel his diaper is too tight when he’s sitting up or i change his diapers right away when he done pooping. Also when he has the hiccups ill feed him so that they go away bc i feel like it bothers him. Maybe its a little too much but he’s my first baby and he wont be little for ever 😩😭😭