These Two r My Heart 😍❤️


I will share just a briefing about wht this picture is about but first I wanna give u all a kind of back story not a detailed one but just to explain y these pictures mean the world to me ❤️🌎 anyways this is my daughter from a previous marriage she lives with her father bc I had no job no money and no where for us to go after the divorce so I made a decision I thought would be best for her and that was to let her stay with him and he is a good father so I knew she would be taken care of I was very young when I had her and he was a bit older so I didn’t know wht else to do and i had no help from my mother as her and I have never been close anyways this is my bf also the father of my current child that I’m pregnant with and he has had such a close relationship with my daughter and she down right adores him this is a moment I captured of them going up to get her an ice cream at McDonald’s he had originally walked up there alone to get one fire her and she wasn’t having it she ran up to him and she held his hand as they waited together for the ice cream and sure it may have been a thoughtless and simple act but as any of u mommas may know this is definitely more than that to us I absolutely love this man so much and the love they have for each other makes me fall in love with him more and more everyday ❤️😍🌎