Taking a break

Mallory • Married 💍 and mom of 2. Have lost 3 in the past but hoping to give my husband a child of his own.

So my husband and I have been ttc with the help of clomid and metformin since Jan of 2018. In Oct 2018 I finally found out I was pregnant only to have it end up being a chemical. Since then I’ve only had two more cycles and nothing. I went for a follow up and she asked if I was ready for a fertility specialist consult. I burst into tears and told her I needed a break. Just for a few months. I want my body to reset from all the clomid, I want my love life to reset from feeling scheduled and goal oriented, and I wanted a break so my husband and I can enjoy each other again instead of constantly going between the stress of trying and the torture of getting nothing while our friends are getting pregnant one by one with hardly any effort. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to give my husband a child but I needed a break to recover. I’m still battling with my decision to take a break but I know it’ll be worth it.