Can I get a break?

Every time I ask my husband to watch our 10 month old son so I can get a break he throws a fit. We both work full time but since my husband is an accountant and it’s busy season he’s been working from 9-11 during the week and on Saturday’s. This means that when I get home from work I’m the only caregiver. I know I shouldn’t complain because there are single moms out there who do this all on their own. However, I would like to think that my husband is my partner in that he will work with me instead of against me. Today I’m feeling under the weather bc I have a cold. I played and tended to my son all day today until I nursed him last at 3:00. I asked my husband if he would watch him for an hour while I rest. He responded with “I worked an 80 hour week”. I didn’t even know how to respond. He really doesn’t get it- I’m also a working parent plus I pump and nurse throughout the day. I just left my son on the floor to play and walked upstairs and this is what I’m doing now. Any advice on how to handle this?