I don't want him

I really don't want my baby's daddy part of this 😔 I just can't picture him being part of my life for the rest of it. 
The story started, I've known him for 8 years and we had a one night stand this year just to say goodbye before he went overseas. He left 4 days later and I only found out about baby 2 months later. There were paternity questions and accusations, really ugly messages and just a whole lot for me to just not want to know the person I once loved very deeply. He is now seeing/sleeping with his best friend that he cheated on me with while they are overseas and I've made it clear that I do not want her part of it. Now I'm not sure I even want him in my life. I am due in December and he said he is coming for a months holiday in December and then going back and expects me to just do skype back and forth and that's how he wants to keep in touch with baby.  He has now accepted responsibility and believes it is his. I don't know what to say or do anymore... I don't know if it's hormones but to see all the things with him and her just breaks my heart. Â