VBAC or repeat c-section?

Hi ladies, I posted this in another group, but I’m just curious on all of your thoughts. My last pregnancy went very well until the end of my second trimester when I started to have more swelling and protein in my urine. My OB said it could be the start of Preeclampsia, but it wasn’t worrisome enough to schedule an early delivery. I made it to 39 weeks and went into labor naturally, then pushed for 5 hours (he was good and stuck in my tiny pelvis), but ended up suddenly with an emergency c-section because my Preeclampsia got worse and I developed severe HELLP syndrome (life threatening low platelet count, elevated liver function, the works).

This time around I don’t have Preeclampsia *yet*, but I’m on low dose aspirin. I spoke to my OB about doing a VBAC and she was very supportive and she said I could definitely try, but that she didn’t think it would be possible with my pelvis shape and that her medical group is currently not allowing their doctors to do them, so she would have to refer me to another OB. I love my OB so much and I trust her, but having another c-section scares me to no end. My experience was terrifying last time and I thought I was dying (my OB later told me that I came close to dying), so you can understand my hesitation to have another c-section! I still suffer ptsd from the whole thing, but I’m so grateful for my beautiful, healthy, son. I would LOVE to have a healthy natural vaginal birth, but I really don’t know what to do! What would you do in my situation?