Pregnancy announcement?

Adrian • Due March 23, 2016
How many weeks were you when you made your pregnancy announcement cards/ took pregnancy announcement pictures? I'll be 13 weeks on Wednesday so this is my last week in my first trimester. I feel like I'm kinda late on telling my family😂 My mom, dad and grandma know. They are the only people that I cared about enough to tell personally so the rest I don't care if they even take a second look at the card. I kind if just want a reson to take cute pictures with my small baby bump. I just feel like I'm behind schedule for announcing it. 
I kind of wanted to wait until halloween to send them out so that I could have a cute theme for my cards, but I will be 19 weeks by then and almost halfway through my pregnancy😂😮 Did you guys even bother sending out cards or is this just another unnecessary thing on Pinterest?