I don’t know what to do

I was suppose to be attending my dream school this fall and they just called me to let me know that they see my intent to enroll and don’t forget to pay for housing but I’m 8 weeks pregnant. I’ve gotten into every school i applied to and i just want to make my mom proud and get my BSN in 4 years how i told her i would. I was really certain i was going to keep the baby granted i had an abortion April 10 last year. I was so certain i was going to keep this baby I’m in every single <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> pregnant group and I’ve been tracking the growth ever since i found out. But i don’t want to put my education and hold but is that selfish since i should’ve been doing what i needed to do to insure i wouldn’t get pregnant again? Please don’t comment anything negative i don’t really have my mom to talk to these things about i just really need advice. I know I’m wrong for not trying to do everything in my nature to not get pregnant again.