What an abortion looks like. ⚠ TMI PHOTO TO THE MAX ⚠

I wish someone told me what an abortion would look like. What it would feel like, how much my head would be doing laps around itself in the moment and months afterwards.

This is for the girl who doesn't want to ask for the photo, but needs to know what she's getting herself into, what to expect and what it entails.

PS. This is the result of a medical abortion (pills), not a surgical abortion.

Q by "Face": "what did you expect?"

A: I expected this yes, but I didn't expect it to be so much blood, such large clots and I definitely didn't expect to feel the "embryo" to pass. I'd been given the talk by the docs as what to expect and all the pamphlets etc... But nothing prepared me for the fast rate and amount of the abortion itself. They said it would start to happen within half hour. It did and it all came out at once. I needed to be in the shower because I couldn't stand the pain..... I was told it shouldn't have been as painful as it was. It was akin to the worst period I'd ever had. But the clots... The size of my palm. I called the hospital and they said if I passed more than three in one hour to come in... It only happened twice and the second time was the embryo. It wouldn't go down the drain. I had to PUSH it down 💔


Q by "Rocio": how are you feeling?

A: This was last year, but it still weighs heavy on my mind. Where I live, you get given two pills only. The first, administered by the Dr. stops any further foetal development. The second are four dissolvable pills you put under your tongue and let it dissolve for half hour, these trigger your body to shed the uterine lining and anything that was growing in there. So the pain was literally like the biggest period cramping you can imagine.

I was in the shower doubled over in pain and the hot water really helped. I've had a baby since then and it was like the early stages of active labour in my opinion. They gave me panadol, when I really needed codeine.

It sounds like you had a multitude of shit to weigh up before you terminated. I'm sorry you had to make such choices, but know that what choice you made was right for you and right for your situation xx I hope you're healing well on all fronts :) *hugs*