Can anyone understand green notes?

Laura • Ethan Ashley born 20th September 2015 at 12.08am weighing 8lb 👶🏼
Yesterday I had my second sweep (bottom) but I can't understand it I had my first on Friday but the midwife said she couldn't get inside the cervix but tried but yesterday she said it was better...! Can someone explain this though:) thanks x 
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The top sweep the midwife has put that she was unable to access your cervix as it was too postieria just means your cervix was facing the wrong way so she was unable to perform the sweep


Laura • Sep 15, 2015
Just what you already know, that you had a sweep and the midwife has put that your cervix is 1-2cm dilated, hope this helps !


Laura • Sep 15, 2015
What about the bottom one?? I had one yesterday