Anybody with a case of IUGR

Swati • 35 yo, married for 8 years. My first born girl is 6 yo. Gave birth to my second baby girl on 12th Feb this year (2016)
Anybody else here who has had or has a case of a IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction)? In my first pregnancy, my daughter's growth was 3-4 weeks behind her dates, and was born at 37th week with moderately low birth weight (4.5 lbs), though she was otherwise healthy. In my 1st pregnancy I barely gained 19 lbs (I should have gained at least 28 lbs cuz my BMI was already low). I am not gaining enough weight in my 2nd pregnancy too, I am 17 WK 5 days with no weight gain so far (in fact I lost about 11 lbs) during first trimester due to nausea. Pls share how did your doc manage the IUGR - gave aspirin, or protein supplements, or any other treatment?