Easter parents

This is going to be a rant and if you’re offended you’re part of the problem. Im not an angry person and I don’t like negativity but.....

What the fu k is up with parents who cant follow fucking rules for a CHILDRENS activity?

My community just did an egg hunt at the park and they separate the hunt by age groups so that it’s fair and all the kids can get some eggs. My son is in the 4 and under group. The park had a dj that very loudly and repeatedly stated it’s only for 4 and under and that unless your child can’t walk they didn’t want parents to go in. They had ppl at the start line telling parents their kids weren’t in this age group. And they even had NUMEROUS SIGNS with the egg hunt times and ages. They even have an info booth. They also had areas around where you could stand to take photos or videos of your kid.

Please someone tell me why parents were shoving their 6, 8, and 10 yr olds into the egg hunt?? Really you and your kid couldn’t wait fucking 20mins for your age group??? My son was only able to get 4 eggs because the much older kids and the kids who’s parent went in with them had baskets full of eggs. Really ducking Karen???? You need to steal crappy candy from 4 yr olds????

What pissed me off even more was that one of the moms who took her 8 yr old to the 4yr old hunt fucking went BACK with him into the 5-8 yr old hunt and even asked one of the helpers for eggs!!!!! Why are parents so fucking greedy???? It’s literally shitty candy. You could legit buy better stuff at the dollar tree.

And I get it parents like to accompany the younger (4 and under) so they don’t get overwhelmed or to help. But there’s no fucking reason for you to haul ass and start hoarding eggs like it’s y2k all over again. It’s those parents that ruin it for kids and why more parents continue this cycle.

So fuck you guys for being entitled assholes and raising entitled assholes. Your kid can fucking wait 20mins for their turn. You can fucking wait. And you don’t need fucking 30eggs full of shitty candy.

What is even the purpose of doing all that shit? You’re ruining for everyone but especially the children who just want to have fun.

My little boy was so excited to go look for eggs especially since he’d be able to pick them himself. He didn’t care if he got 50 he just wanted the experience and you assholes took it away from him.

I hope that shitty candy makes you a sweeter person although I doubt it.

Next time you’re at an egg hunt be considerate. How hard is it to be patient and polite and have manners and follow rules??? Teach your children these values by setting the example. Your kid isn’t the only one trying to have fun and you aren’t the only parent who wants that for their child or to capture those moments.