Red dot on both breast

🌻Italya🌻 • I’m Italya...🌙28 yrs old...Engaged...💍Leona Laurie Whitmore 12·9·19 👧🏽/ Gianni Lino Whitmore 02•06•23👶🏽…Baby dust to all...✨

Ladies I need help I’m a little concerned because after me and my fiancé did the deed👀 I was using the restroom and I looked down and noticed a small dot on my left breast and I immediately started to worry and told my fiancé and he said wth and left out then something told me to check my right breast and of course there was a small one on the side and REALLY got worried and let him know and he said I think you might be pregnant babe and I said what no this can’t have anything to do with it...but I a ladies opinion on it I looked it up on google but nothing showed and I don’t have any cancer symptoms my breast and nipples have been sore like normal how they would if I was getting my period and I haven’t gotten a period and I’ve had lower back pain and stomach pain but I can’t just go based off of that because I’m SUPER irregular so I was wondering if any of you ladies ever have little red spots on your breast as early sign of pregnancy...

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