

How many of you can still eat cereal? I just started being strict a few days ago, but I still haven’t seen the diabetes specialist yet, so even though I’m being very careful, I still don’t know how certain foods affect my blood sugars. This morning I ate a bowl of Fiber One cereal. It’s high in carbs, but also very high in fibre, and with no sugar. I ate it with some raspberries and 2 boiled eggs. Does that sound like a decent breakfast for some of you? I’ve cut out all sweets except yesterday I ate one girl guide cookie with my lunch. I’m just really eager to start testing my blood sugars, not because it sounds like fun (lord no, lol) but I want to know that I’ve got a handle on this. I passed both the fasting and 1 hour draws of my test but failed the 2 hour by one point.