Please help me figure this one out

M • ❣️

Please no hateful comments I’ve never told anyone about this because I wasn’t sure what this actually was

I was sexually abused when I was 11 a couple years after we went to a family funeral and all the older cousins and the rest of the family gathered at a family house together had a lunch and stuff. All of us cousins and some adults slept at my aunties house all the younger ones stayed in the lounge (me) watched movies and the older people were drinking outside that night we all just crashed in the lounge everyone finding where they could sleep don’t forget this is all close family. I was asleep on the couch and my older cousin I felt jumped in beside me he was 16 and I was 13 I don’t know why but he started tracing his fingers on my belly? Like trying to tickle it or something I don’t know what he was actually trying to do but he would of had to lift up my shirt to do that I felt uncomfortable and my first thought was oh no it’s going to happen again.. and that’s all he done I feel like he would of gone further if it was just us? I don’t know