I know it’s petty but

Dawn • Baby girl to arrive April 21

My hormones have me all tied up about this.

A few weeks ago I started looking for a night gown for me to wear after delivery. It wasn’t something I really needed it was just something I wanted and it gave me something to do while I wait for labor to come. Well a few days ago I was on my little mall walk that I do when it’s raining and my mil came and joined me, while walking I mentioned that I wanted to stop in a pyjama store to take a peak at what they had, she than told me that I should look on amazon in which I replied “no I want to look for myself and buy it in person as a little push present for myself” about ten minutes later she said again that I should look on amazon so I repeated what I had said, than two more times she told me to look on amazon and I said two more times no I want to buy it myself in store. So I feel like I was very specific with her that I didn’t want to get it online I wanted to get it in store and find it myself. So we left and I went home, the next morning I got a phone call from her saying she had bought me a nightgown on amazon that will be arriving the next day and “aren’t you glad I got it?” Well the answer is no I’m not I’m actually really mad about it. This was something I wanted to do FOR MYSELF! The worst part is the nightgown she bought is similar to the one i was looking at. But I don’t want to wear it because I WANT TO BUY MY OWN!

She went behind my back and bought my babies coming home outfit( she took it out of my cart and paid when I was in the changing room than said “now nanas will always know she bought his coming home outfit” and she went and bought the jars for his first tooth and hair without talking to me at all... she’s taking all these special moments and shoving herself into them and it’s making me sooo angry! These are the little things I wanted to spend hours looking up and buying, the nightgown was sort of a last attempt to do it for myself and she still shoved her way in. The worst part is everyone is saying what does it matter, and I don’t even know why it matters to me so much it just does. 😔 This is my baby and I want to be in charge of these little moments. Does anyone else understand where I’m coming from or am I being unreasonable?