Literally cannot walk.


I'll be the first to admit pregnancy has always taken a hard tole on my body and at the end I'm miserable. This pregnancy has been by far my easiest except the last few weeks where baby has dropped so low that my pelvic bone and vagina are bruised. Well my doc appointment on Tuesday my personal doc said I was finger tip dilated, 50% effaced and baby was fully engaged. I went to L&D last night and the doc said I was 1 cm, 50% and -3. Which how baby goes from fully engaged to -3 beats the hell outta me but whatever. This morning I literally cannot roll from side to side, I cannot walk, and i cannot sit on my butt without literally crying out I am in so much pain in my vagina. No one understands either the amount of pain. I ha e never had this happen with any of my pregnancies, I literally am literally laying down bawling because I am in so much pain. And until Tuesday I cant do a thing my L&D said they wont do anything for me either and I just dont know what else to do. It's one thing to hurt when I walk but to even sit down to go to the bathroom??? Anyone else have this issue and does anyone have any tips on how to make the pain go away. I am also anemic and according to my doc makes me really weak in the first place but I promise this pain is not because of anemia.