Am I right to be angry?


I have a boyfriend of a year and he knows that guys in the past had tried to force me into things I don't want to do.

But today, sorry for the TMI. He wanted me to suck him and we are at his parents living room. I said no because I didn't want to be walked on. God that would be so awful.

But he didn't listen and kept jamming it into my mouth and I said, not here! then he did it again over and over until I gagged. So, I bit his dick. (No blood drawn) lol

And I yelled at him that I said no! Several times and I wanted respect.

He was defensive and said he thought I liked it.

What should I do?

P.s I told him that we can do it in the bedroom but he wouldn't listen.

I love him and all bla bla (cliche) and he's my rock. But today, I'm just so angry about it.