Anybody have success stories similar to my situation?😭

So I’m 21 me and my husband got married very young , we are stable and have actually been trying to conceive for 2 almost 3 years . I do have pcos , I’m not overweight I don’t have acne basically they diagnosed me because my ovaries have tons of follicules and I have irregular periods . They put me on metformin for 9 months nothing came of it . So I switched obgyn and my new obgyn put me on 3 rounds of letrozole/femera . I did ovulate every time on the 5 mg . Still havent became pregnant . My doctor had me do an HSG and saline sonogram . Both came back perfectly fine . No blocked tubes and my ovaries looked good. My husband already got his sperm tested and everything’s fine. Just feeling annoyed why can’t I get pregnant 😭😭😭😭 husband deploys in 5 months again so it’ll be another 7 months untill we can try again.