Ovulate sooner?

I have really long cycles. Like usually around 60-65 days but it varies. I just had a d&c a couple of weeks ago and I know that it can take a while to get your period back. But I always read about people that had normal cycles becoming irregular after a miscarriage. So I’m just wondering if anybody with irregular or long cycles actually ovulated earlier than they normally would have after a miscarriage. I know everyone’s different. But I’m just wondering if anybody has any stories about it since I can’t find anything online much about it.

I’m going to try to start tracking again after my levels return to 0 so I’m just wondering if I should wait to even try an OPK like 30 days after I’m at 0 since that’s usually when I would start testing for ovulation. Or if I should just start soon after my levels drop in case I ovulate sooner.