April 9th induction = baby!


April 9th I was scheduled for a 5:30am induction. I was still at 1.5cm when I went in. Pitocin was started at 6:40am, it continued to be turned up over the next few hours but I wasn’t getting many irritable contractions. I bounced on a ball for a while. Around 8:30am my doctor broke my water to help the progress. I always hate the feeling of the fluid coming out 🥴 finally, at 12:15 I was hurting enough that I got an epidural. A 37 week pregnant student put it in. I know that sounds terrifying to let a student do it, but she had others with her and she’s about to graduate next month so I figured she should know what she’s doing by now. It did hurt a bit at a couple different points BUT it’s the only epidural I’ve never had retouched. I’ve had them adjusted or even redone before and hers was in perfect! I didn’t even have any pain at the site afterwards. Anywho, I was only about a 4cm at that point. I rested for a bit and so did my husband. I needed him to still pick up our kids from school at 3:00 so I wasn’t in a hurry at this point. He left and I told the nurse I was ready to lay on my side with the peanut ball between my legs. I was a 6-7cm at this point. From 3:00-4:00 I did that on my left side. She said if I was feeling any pressure to let her know. I called her in at 4:00 and told her I thought there was some pressure but wasn’t entirely sure. My husband was back by this time. Apparently, that ball was effective because I completed dilating in that hour! She called the doctor over, moved in some carts and stuff for baby. I pushed from 4:15-4:20 and my little guy was out! I had an “abrasion” that she used one suture on just because it was bleeding. 9.5lbs and 20.5 inches. Baby Beckett! He’s 9 days old and we love him so much! My milk supply is low again so he is supplemented with formula after nursing. He ended up becoming a bit jaundice but nothing required other than checking his labs a couple days. He’s gaining weight and a really good sleeper still. #4, the final boy