Is this mean?

I sent a message to this guy, and he hasn’t replied in a while..,

Good afternoon... how are you? I hope your well. Look I think that what we want out of “relationship” is very different in each of our points of view. And to be frank, I don’t like you the way I once did... I’m sorry but ill never be able to let loose and fool around, it’s not me. I’m sorry for doing this while your on vacation. But I needed to tell you. That it’s just not gonna work out. And trust me I tried to make this work I did a lot of research about all of this stuff and this is the logical conclusion I came to. We are friends only friends. Because I don’t want to lead you on and I don’t want to be lead on... So this is what is gonna happen, we are gonna take a break from being friends, why? Because that’s what is needed, space. Im still your friend and I still care about you, but as I friend. I’m really sorry if I lead you on, or hurt you in anyway. I want us to go back to being friends. About the movie thing, I don’t think it’s a smart idea. I’m still willing to hang out, just not in a date setting... I’m sorry. So like, no flirting I guess, it hurts me when you act all sweet and I know your not meaning it. Either way I’m gonna take a break from discord, and I will be back, it won’t be a long break but when I come back can we go back to bring friends?