Anyone else only want 1 child??

I’ve known for awhile now that I’d prefer to just have one and be done. When it comes up in conversation I surprisingly got a lot of negativity. Friends with multiple children tell me I’m crazy and that once this baby comes out I’ll want more. How is someone predicting how I’m going to feel? Maybe that’s how they felt but it really frustrates me that people just don’t want to accept my decision. Husband and I are both on the same page with this. Why do people have such strong opinions on what you do with your own life?! Why does it matter to them how many kids I have? I’ve been told how horrible it will be for my child to not have any siblings. they’ll have cousins and friends. They wont be alone! Anyways, is there anyone else who feels the same way as me? Only want one? Did you receive negativity as well? I can’t be alone in only wanting one child!