Why can’t I ever have happiness 😔

I feel like happiness is asking for to much sometimes. 😔

I’m currently 4 months pregnant and feel like my now ex has made what’s meant to be the happiest experience of my life the loneliest. I don’t feel like i can share anything with him. I wish like most people my partner was

MY best friend and could share everything with but he not. He’s difficult, selfish and just plain rude.

I wish he wasn’t so ungrateful and more thoughtful. He doesn’t make me feel appreciated or special at all, he says horrible things to me when he’s angry, and doesn’t apologise , just thinks he can act normal after an argument and I’m suppose to get over it , so tired of talking to him I’m hoping that he will change, every time we argue he tells me I’m not what he wants then a few days later he’s trying to get back with me. I can’t take the mind games

I feel like I’m not in love with him anymore and I should just do what I need to do for the sake of our child, I wish my first experience of being a mother was with someone who’s cherish me and loves me.. not someone who makes me feel like shit 😔😔 .

Even if we do work things out after this argument it’s pointless getting back together because it feels like a never ending circle . Wish things could be better 😔