Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired


This is my first pregnancy, and I’m pretty sure it will be my last. I’m so tired of crying and being angry because things are getting hard or things aren’t getting done when I need them to.

My daughters father is a complete ass and I’m sick of trying to be the bigger person. He was abusive and manipulative the majority of my pregnancy. Cheated on me, put his hands on me, threatened me, and tried to continuously lead me on after all of the drama. I moved states away and he is still starting stuff and I just don’t feel the need to be the bigger person anymore.

On the other hand; I’m 32 & 2 and miserable as hell. I’m back on full bedrest with the occasional bathroom breaks and one shower a day. The doctors did the FFN and it came back negative proving that I won’t deliver in the next 2 weeks but they won’t release me until I solidify an OB appointment.

With it being this late in the game most providers either don’t take my insurance or they won’t accept me as a patient until they get my records. It’s taking an extremely long time and I’m high risk. I don’t want to continuously sit in the hospital when I don’t have to especially since I spent the last 3 months in the hospital with no changes.