False information

So I was told to come in TODAY (Monday morning) for my interview. My only ride today was my boyfriend, he’s highly sick with a head cold, and I feel bad he had to drive me. So I show up, take a few deep breaths to calm my body, walk in, manager greets me and but tells me she’s doing them tomorrow at 2:00pm and not today. I was “on her call list”, but she was supposed to call me a few days ago (was told by workers she would be contacting me before Monday) and NEVER did. Ugh 😪 I wish managers/workers didn’t just give out false information about coming in for a job or say “we’ll contact you” and NEVER DO. It really irritates me cause I’ve been doing this for 6 months now.

I feel like I wasted my boyfriend’s time because he willingly got up at 9am SICK to drive 45 minuets to my house to take me to “my interview”, just to turn around a minute later and take me back home. I could tell he was struggling to even keep a positive attitude because he was so quiet both the car ride there and back, not wanting to converse at all. Poor guy...

Edit: I rely on my family to help take me to work and back. I did it with my last job and it worked out fine. I also rode the bus if that was my only option. I do have my license, but no car, and that’s why I’m getting a job. Within 4-6 weeks, I’ll have earned enough to finally buy a used car to get myself places I need to be.

Edit edit: I understand it’s poor management, but I NEED money and if this is my only chance (which it probably is), I’m taking it. If I don’t, my boyfriend will have to pay my half of rent while I look for a job in the town we’re moving to this year ( I do not want that). I really want to have my own rent money ready along with my own car before we move. It would make things 1000x easier on both him and me.

UPDATE: I went to the interview today and she was actually SUPER nice. However, I don’t think I’ll be taking the job if she offers me, BECAUSE it sounds like it’s way too hectic for how things have been going over there, and I get very overwhelmed quickly. I actually accidentally did another job interview for Safeway to work at the Starbucks (I have work experience from the one I worked at uptown), and if they accept me, I’m taking that instead. It would be SO nice to make coffee again, and everyone sounds SO nice and they’re SO friendly.