Bleach Pregnancy Test


Okay so I’m really nervous. In the past I have taken several at home bleach pregnancy test to see if I was pregnant and usually they with be non reactive. So I my first period of this year was Jan 17th till the 20th. Then I didn’t keep track of February period but did remember that I had unprotected sex and on the 15,17, with one partner and 21th of February with a different partner. On March 20th I got what seemed like a period. It was the same length just no clots like usual. So on the 8th of this month I spotted which only lasted a day and was light pink in color. I was scared and nervous and went to the doctor and did a urine test but it came out negative. I was suppose to get my period on the 20th of this month but I have yet to receive it. So I decided to try the bleach test today like I’ve done in the past but the result was like none from the past. This time not only did was there a reaction but it fizzed and foamed will the brim of the cup. Could I be pregnant? Did anyone try this when they were pregnant? PLEASE HELP!!!