Strict security officer

So me and my friend were in leadership class delivering a note to a classroom. We were heading back to class when we heard the security guard scream “HEY, STOP!!!!” We turn around, and he’s walking towards us SUPER pissed off. Me and my friend look at each other confused, he comes over and said “Where did you two come from?” We tell him we were in leadership, and that we were delivering an award. He says, “Oh, so you weren’t just smoking pot in the bathroom? You just HAPPEN to come from that same area?” Confused, we said no and tried to walk back to class. He stops us, gets close and SNIFFS US before demanding we spread our arms so he can pat us down (in the middle of the yard). So we comply, and after he pats us down he says, “sorry, I got word 2 girls were smoking in the bathroom. Get to class” and walks off.

I was also in ISS at one point for being caught with my phone 3 times (texting my mom). Just sitting in the office eating my lunch and conversing with another person who was in ISS and the guard yells, “HEY! NO TALKING! YOU WANNA KEEP YOUR FOOD? THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND SIT THERE QUIETLY!” Just... the worst fucking guy. Eventually I was the last person in ISS, and I was trying to be so polite to him when he escorted me to get my lunch and sit me in a room in the office. He acted like I was some sort of inmate. Like dude, bring it downs couple notches. This isn’t juvy, it’s high school.

He eventually was forced to quit because teens kept keying his car. He was such an asshole to everyone, and was brutally rude when he didn’t need to be towards those who got sent to the office. As someone who gets sent into a bad panic attack whenever a male raises their voice around me, I was not a fan.