Take it or leave it


I'm going back to school to be a counselor, probably marriage and family, I'm not sure on my specialty just yet but definitely in "a psychology field"

I had this idea tonight and I hate editing but this my status I shared to myself (yes it's actually written to me) so I don't forget. I'd like your feed back on the idea. Thank you. :)

Dear future self,

One day you'll accomplish your dreams and your goals of being a counselor/psychology profession. I don't know which path you will end up on or what your title will be but I do hope you stumble upon this post if you havent made this happen already. You had a truly innovative idea today, maybe timehop, or your family and friends hold you accountable to this idea. A take it or leave it bookcase for your patients. One filled with all genres of books, everyone of them a book you have read. Highlight the things that moved you, that challenged you, that made you think, that made you aware, made you vulnerable, that gave you hope, gave you life, and make little notes inscribed along the binding about how it moved you. Collect other books from people who have done the same thing and left behind pieces of themselves that moved them too. Encourage your patients to take one. Have them read it and do that very same thing and discuss the passages they loved, how it relates to them, have them highlight the words that impacted them. The words that clung to their hearts. If it's a book they can't live without, they take it when it's done. If it's a book they feel can give meaning, insight, hope, faith, or help someone else encourage them to put it back in its place on the shelf again and leave it for the next person in their shoes. Words are powerful. I know from experience that someone else's story could be the key that unlocks another persons prision, testimony is valuable. Take it or leave it.